I finally am posting a recipe! It has been way too long. I am finally starting to like food again...I've had some major food aversions this pregnancy. This recipe is one of my favorites from my mom. This is a recipe you can make all year round, but it is a perfect holiday treat. I like making the bread in the shape of a candy cane for Christmas. This is a great treat to take to the neighbors. The recipe makes three large loaves or you can make small ones, too.
Braided Sweet Bread
Makes three loaves
1/2 cup warm water
2 tbl yeast
2 cups milk, scalded
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 large eggs
2 tsp salt
8 cups flour
3 cans fruit filling
Butter cream frosting
4 cups powdered sugar
1 cup softened butter
1 tsp vanilla
Meanwhile, put the milk in a saucepan on low heat and stir occasionally. When it starts to bubble (not boil but just tiny foam bubbles) on the edges it is done. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
Place softened butter, sugar, eggs, and salt in a large bowl and mix. Then add the scalded milk. Add mixture (make sure it is just lukewarm and not too hot) to the yeast and water bowl. Mix. Then begin adding the flour a couple cups at a time. Cover and let sit for ten minutes. Then knead the dough for 7-10 minutes. I use my Kitchen Aid to do all my kneading. Of course you can do it by hand on a floured surface.
Cover dough with towel and let rise until it double or triples in size. It takes about 1 1/2-2 hours. Divide dough into three portions. Flour a surface a roll out the dough until about 1/4" thick, I guess. I forgot to measure, but look at my picture below to get an idea.
Fill the center of the bread with blueberry, lemon, raspberry, etc. pie filling.
Then cut an even number of strips on each side of the bread (see picture). Then take one piece and cross over filling and press down to get it to stay and continue with this "braiding" of the bread.
Make your butter cream frosting while the bread is baking and frost when still warm (but not too hot). These are best when warmed up and eaten! Divine.
Obviously I missed your announcement on being pregnant...congrats! (or maybe this was your announcement??) I hope you are feeling better--that is no fun. Anyway, this looks delicious--I may have to try it sometime!